Electric Sauna Heaters

          http://www.alfabricating.com      1-906-482-6604  &  1-800-417-2862


    We manufacture ILO Radiant Electric Sauna Heaters. - only the heaters- but to help you build your own sauna, we also manufacture The Mighty MiteR workstation.   Also, there's a table we manufacture that can go with your Mighty MiteR or can stand on it's own to let you have an easily assembled, free-standing table that you can store in a very small space.

Which of our products would you like to see first?
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The ILO is where you'll learn all about the ILO and what sets it apart from other electric sauna heaters.
Build Your Own Sauna  It has diagrams, instructions and helpful hints.  Of course, if you need any more help, just ask us! 
Where Sauna's From where you'll find out the history of the sauna.
 The Sauna Experience where you'll find out all the things a sauna can do for you!  Plus some cute little bath guys!

ILO is a Finnish word for "delight" or "joy".
The ILO™ Radiant Electric Sauna Heaters  are designed and manufactured in Lake Superior's Upper Peninsula where most of the population is Finnish.  Finnish people know what makes a good sauna. The traditional sauna is a STEAM bath - brought from Finland by the earliest immigrants.  The ILO sold here goes into day-in, day-out service and is built to perform perfectly, without failure, as it has for thirty years now. Here, the ILO outsells every other sauna heater.
    We manufacture seven models to suit any application, residential or commercial. We try to size our heaters to give optimum performance so your sauna is ready in approximately one half hour.
    For alot more information on the ILO go to the ILO's page- click here

To make building your own sauna or other projects easier, check out ......
The Mighty MiteR
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and The Mighty's Parts

    The Mighty MiteR allows you the versatility to make your miter stand any length needed.  All you must have is a good, strong, straight 2 x 6.
    When assembled, it is more than  strong enough to accommodate any industrial-rated compound or standard miter saw.
    All brackets are formed using heavy 7 gauge (3/16") steel with a red enamel finish.
    All knobs are heavy industrial grade for lifetime use.
    All legs have inserts that are non-marring and non- scratching.
    For alot more information on the Mighty MiteR- click here.

The Table
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    This extremely handy accessory consists of two brackets and two legs made from heavy 3/16" (7 gauge) steel. It can be easily made to any length or width depending on your needs.  It can be attached to the Mighty MiteR or it can stand on it's own!  Click on the picture of the table above to go to the beginning of the table's page.
    These are just some of the ways it can be put together, but the possibilities are endless!.....
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    Click on either picture to go to the different ways you can put it together.  Once you're there, you can scroll up to learn all about it!

Company Profile

    A & L Fabricating is now in it's 32nd year, with the third generation of the family entering the business. Though our prices may be slightly more than most of our competitors, our endeavor has always been to build not the least expensive but the best sauna heater available- The ILO. We now have happily satisfied customers returning for a replacement heater after some 25 or more years of trouble-free use.
    Our business has always been tailored toward the home handy-man, and as you may have noticed, we do not manufacture sauna rooms. We feel that anyone with reasonable skills, and a little help if needed, can build a great sauna for a cost of approximately $300 to $400 in materials.
    We started manufacturing the Mighty MiteR so that the home handyman would have an easier time building his/her own sauna.
    Browsing around competitor's pages, you will find that complete sauna room kits can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 depending on how elaborate you want to get. If you feel you're capable of building a closet, you can easily build a sauna equal to or surpassing any of these pre-built kits.
    The Table that we manufacture started out as being a table you could attach to the Mighty MiteR to make it easier to stack your pieces of wood or whatever you're cutting.  But, it became so popular, that we made it a free-standing table you can use for anything, anywhere.  It's great for displays, backyard barbecues, get-togethers, or anytime you need a quick, easy-to-assemble, easily stored table.

Contact Information

    We may be reached Mon.-Sat.  8AM-8PM EST via phone, fax, and e-mail.  You can also write.  Either way, we'd be glad to hear from you.

    We welcome your comments on our web site.  We're new at web pages, and we appreciate your feedback.  As you probably noticed, we made our own web site.  There are many who are more skilled at making web pages, but none of them knew anything about saunas.

1-906-482-6604  &   1-800-41-SAUNA (when available)
Postal address:
             A & L  Fabricating Company
HWY M-26, P.O. Box 319, Dollar Bay, MI 49922
Electronic mail:
General Information: ilosauna@portup.com
Sales: Paul, Craig, or Lorrialfabco@portup.com
Customer Support: Paul, Craig, or Lorri : ilosauna@portup.com
Webmaster: alfabco@portup.com


[Home]   [The ILO]  [Build Your Own Sauna]  [Where Sauna's From]     
  [The Sauna Experience]
[The Mighty MiteR]   [Mighty's Parts]   [The Table]

Send mail to alfabco@portup.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: October 28, 2001